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Day 3

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Kjempeartig å få bilder fra turen!!

Benjamin Svanberg

Så gøy å høre. Arti med kommentarer fra dere der hjemme også 😊


Takk for bildene. Sov du i krisesenteret?

Benjamin Svanberg

That would be awesome, but no. We need the tent to stay warm. If it would be warmer outside we would definitely have done that I think 😀

Anton Jensen

Flotte bilder, savner sne.

Benjamin Svanberg

Bare å se på dag 3 bildene dine, så får du masse sne 😍 brr 😏


Good to see Traeland shelter, I did it through here on my npl training tries twice in 2019 and 2021 🙂 IN 2 months again, all it try… Enjoy and have a great trip

Benjamin Svanberg

Ohh woaw, are you starting a third time on this hike? Have you been at the treeland shelder twice before then? Really nice area, but little rough to pass through the forest tho! 😊


Yes, I passed Traeland shelter twice, both time it was super warm summer day. But the “rough area” around Traeland was absolutely nothing, like a highway, compared to what comed the next days on the way to Knaben/Ljosland. You can check 2021 path here.
I had to end after 1253 km in Meraker, it was a great preparation for 2022, it is and attempt to do NPL with maximum 1% of roads. and make a great film about it. I will follow you, good luck across Setesdal Heiene around Blasjon. I did it absolutely the same way to Haukeli. It was MUCH harder than Jotunheimen including Galdhopiggen and Kyrkja together. Yet still the absolutely hardest was the forst day to Jasund brua straight through the bush of Lindesnes peninsula.
Your reports will be very valuable to see how much snow is there this year. Fingers crossed, I wish I had also so much time to just enjoy it in no rush 🙂

Benjamin Svanberg

Ohh woaw, you are following a much more extreme trail than we are. We have been changing to walk across roads in the beginning cause it was just to hard for us, and too cold. But we are now excited to try out the mountains again 😊 it’s motivating to hear feedback from you tho anyway! 😀