I dag fikk vi hentet ut og pakket alt klart for å få inn i Børgefjell, alt var planlagt og vi er egentlige klare for å komme oss igjennom Børgefjell med litt ekstra tid for å rekke at jeg skal stille som vitne i en rettssak. Det eneste problemet er at advokaten og retten ikke har klart å komme til en enighet i dette enda, og siden jeg fikk beskjed om å planlegge for å møte på video har vi ikke lengre ekstra tid for å rekke igjennom Børgefjell for deretter å reise til Oslo for å delta på rettssak… Nå må vi bare vente her til det blir avgjort om vi kan møte over video eller må reise inn til Oslo.
Vi har fått kvittet oss med mye ekstra luksus og vekt fra sekken, så det føles veldig bra. Fortsatt store og tunge sekker, men hjelper mye å sende hjem så mye som mulig.
Veldig kjedelig at dette ikke er slikt som blir planlagt litt tidligere enn å varsle at jeg må planlegge å stille over video bare 2 uker før jeg må stille som vitne i rettsaken, også bare en uke før rettsaken vet de ikke om jeg nå reise til Oslo eller ikke. Spurte allerede i Mars om det ble behov for meg eller ikke i rettsaken, i forbindelse med at jeg skulle på tur… Kjedelig, men må bare gjøre det som kreves for å få gjennomført dette uten hinder.
Vi må finne ut hvs vi gjør med alle bilettene og hotell vi har booket for å få til video rettsak, og reise til og fra Bodø fra andre siden av Børgefjell.
Avventer bare svar og prøver å gjøre det beste ut av det med å slappe litt av og nyte Røyrvik som best vi kan, så får vi se hva som skjer videre.
Gleder oss til å starte opp igjen snart, i mellomtiden må dere få som følger med her bare smøre dere med litt tålmodighet før det kommer flere oppdateringer 😀
Håper du slipper å reise til Oslo. Kos dere og slapp av mens dere venter. Er vel godt å hvile såre føtter.
Viser seg at jeg kan møte over video, så vi slipper å reise til Oslo, så utrolig deilig det! 😊 Ble litt lang pause uansett, men nå kan vi hvertfall bare sitte i ro og vente. Når det først ble sånn, så er det jo deilig å hvile litt også 😊
I’m glad you somehow made it to Røyrvik with these backpacks… and a bit disappointed to hear about your break.
By the way, that Finnkruhøtta is one of DNT’s coziest huts. There was plenty of food. And you missed it… I guess you have to hike back those 50 Km^^ or you gonna repeat NPL next year 🙂
Hehe, yeah, little boring that we needed to have such a long break. We are excited to get through this break and start on Børgefjell soon! 😀
Hehehe 😁 a quick little repeat 🤣 so happy you found it and glad to hear it has food in it. Will have it in my mind if we are in the area another time 😀
English translation: Today we got out and packed everything ready to get into Børgefjell, everything was planned and we are actually ready to get through Børgefjell with a little extra time to make it so that I will stand as a witness in a trial. The only problem is that the lawyer and the court have not been able to reach an agreement on this yet, and since I was told to plan to meet by video we no longer have extra time to get through Børgefjell and then travel to Oslo to attend the trial… Now we just have to wait here until it is decided whether we can meet via video or have to travel to Oslo.
We’ve gotten rid of a lot of extra luxury and weight from the pack, so it feels really good. Still big and heavy bags, but it helps a lot to send home as much as possible.
Very frustrating that this is not something that was planned a little earlier. I was notified that I have to plan to testify on video just 2 weeks before I have to appear as a witness in the trial, also just a week before the trial they don’t know if I will now travel to Oslo or not. Already asked in March whether or not there was a need for me in the trial, in connection with the fact that I was going on a trip… I just have to do what is required to get this done without hindrance.
We have to find out what to do with all the tickets and hotels we have booked in order to have a video trial, and travel to and from Bodø from the other side of Børgefjell.
Just waiting for an answer and trying to make the best of it by relaxing a bit and enjoying Røyrvik as best we can, then we’ll see what happens next.
We can’t wait to start up again soon, in the meantime you’ll have to get what’s included here, just be patient until there are more updates
Hi Benjamin and Liz! Sounds like you guys had to take a little break. I haven’t checked this blog for a little while now. Been a busy summer. I looked through some of the posts and pics. Great to see parts of your journey. Thank you for the translations Carol!😄👍👍 I often think of the few days we hiked with you guys and so glad that we were able to join for those few days! You’ve got this💪💪👌👍
Aww thank you so much Eva 😊 It was sure a memorable time, and especially for Liz to get some other fellow Americans to chat to for a while in desolit places of Norway.
Hi Benjami, hi Liz,
We are now in the train towards Trondheim. The price for the taxi wasn‘t 35NOK but 42NOK per person. So it is really that cheap!
Enjoy your trip through Børgefjell,
Andreas & Petra
Woaw, that is just super crazy to hear! We have booked taxi when we get back. Super crazy how cheap that is. Happy to hear you reached your connecting train. We are really excited to start in Børgefjell in little under a week now 😀