Etter nokk en kald dag har vi endelig funnet ut hvordan gi klarer å holde varmen mens vi går. Vi har fortsatt utfordringer med å holde temperaturen når vi stopper for lunsh eller middag. Tenker å kjøre ny taktikk fra i morgen der gi ikke stopper for større lunsj på dager det er for kaldt for å klare å holde varmen. Så får vi heller spare varme retter til kvelden/ morgenen i teltet.
På jakt etter en teltplass sleit vi litt med kommunikasjonen oss i mellom og gikk dermed rett forbi et fint teltplass. Litt frustrert gikk vi videre på jakt etter en ny telt plass. Vi møtte på en herlig mann, Karl, som tilbudte oss å sove inne i hans fantastiske bolig. Han bor i en flott gammel Herregård. Helt fantastisk å sette seg ned i sofaen til Karl, slå av en fantastisk prat, og få servert biff, med påfølgende snacks. Vi føler oss utrolig heldige som fikk slik en gave fra Karl. Deilig å sitte inne ved siden peisen og se ut på stormen utenfor vinduet.
Vi er så imponert og takknemlig for at Karl kunne åpne opp hjemmet sitt for oss fremmede, og forberede og fikse så mye for oss. Vi er overveldet over gjestfriheten hans.
After another cold day, we finally found out how to manage to keep warm while we walk. We still have challenges keeping the temperature up after we stop for lunch or dinner. Thinking of testing a new tactics from tomorrow where do not stop for longer lunches on days it is too cold to be able to keep warm. Then we can save hot dishes for the evening / morning in the tent.
In search of a tent site, we struggled a bit with the communication between us and thus walked right past a nice tent site. A little frustrated, we went on looking for a new tent site. We met a wonderful man, Karl, who offered us to sleep inside his wonderful home. He lives in a beautiful old manor house. Absolutely fantastic to sit down on Karl’s sofa, have a fantastic chat, and be served steak, followed by snacks. We feel incredibly lucky to have received such a gift from Karl. Lovely to sit inside next to the fireplace and watch the storm outside the window.
We are so impressed and thankful that Karl could open up his home for us strangers, and preperare and fix so much stuff for us. We are amazed by his hospitality.
Hjertet bobler av glede med dere. For en gjestfrihet.
Ja, helt fantastisk! 😀
This is a heart-warming story. Thank you, Karl !
It is just amazing yes indeed ❤️
Your packs look huge. Hey, at least you don’t need the added weight of bear spray! To use the words of author Patrick McManus, it looks like you are having “a fine and pleasant misery!” Keep up the hard work!
Hehehe, yeah, a good description for the beginning of the trip 🤣
How sweet of Karl! Looking forward to more updates from this crazy adventure you are on! 🙂
Yeah we are very thankful for his great hospitality. Not been to much people around either so it was really nice to sit down for a good and warm conversation 😊
Så deilig at det finnes så flotte mennesker. Flott med deilig mat og god seng🥰
Ja! Fantastisk start på dagen dette! 😀
I think you just added Karl to your Christmas card list!
If we would have that, I think that would be very true 😊